Postural changes not only include the spine but can originate from the lower limbs which have an impact higher up. Poor postural control leads to strain on surrounding ligaments, muscles, tendons and nerves and blood vessels, particularly at the spine. If sustained, structures become overloaded and irritated, leading to pain. Posture is assessed both in sitting and standing as well as in other functional movements, such as walking and running to make sure all muscles are working in the correct manner and one is not inhibiting the other which may be inducing your symptoms.

As we all know, correct posture is key. Why? Correct posture places our muscles, joints and other soft tissues in the most optimum position to work, especially our spinal area.

It doesn’t take long to assess your posture and assess potential habits that may be or become the source of your symptoms. Such an assessment can help avoid a vast array of problems from occurring.

Below is an illustration of poor and good standing postures.

In the new ‘computer age’ people are increasingly aware of their work stations causing increased symptoms on the body. Having a poorly set up work station can lead to an array of problems including repetitive strain injuries, headaches, neck pain and back pain.

Below is a diagram to help you assess your work station and ensure you get the best from your working environments.


Our staff are competent in identifying and addressing postural problems to help you prevent and manage your pain that may arise from poor postural habits.